
The computed margins can be overridden by the set margin commands. show margin shows the current settings.


     set bmargin {<margin>}
     set lmargin {<margin>}
     set rmargin {<margin>}
     set tmargin {<margin>}
     show margin

The units of <margin> are character heights or widths, as appropriate. A positive value defines the absolute size of the margin. A negative value (or none) causes gnuplot to revert to the computed value.

Normally the margins of a plot are automatically calculated based on tics, tic labels, axis labels, the plot title, the timestamp and the size of the key if it is outside the borders. If, however, tics are attached to the axes (set xtics axis, for example), neither the tics themselves nor their labels will be included in either the margin calculation or the calculation of the positions of other text to be written in the margin. This can lead to tic labels overwriting other text if the axis is very close to the border.